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Hi guys, where can I find information on how the

value of the Nano currency is constructed and how it is backed-up?

6 ответов

13 просмотров

It is based on supply and demand. Mostly on demand as the supply of nano is fully distributed. And the demand comes from people finding the currency useful or wanting to use it as a store of value. As far as I am aware, nano is the only currency with a fully distributed supply, so no inflation.

People that ask these questions truly know nothing.

Anders-Talige Автор вопроса
People that ask these questions truly know nothing...

How nice. You’re such a great boy! When even a white paper isn’t obviously available, how would a newcomer and potential investor ever study the fundamentals? Or is this a project only fit for those who follow a hype? I am still in need of understanding the economic value of nano. Is it only supply and demand? Or is there an independent value anchor. So mister, as you seem to be the arch of knowledge here can you point me to the source of the economic principles behind nano? What drives the value other than scarcity and demand? Where can I read about risks and where about the monetary dependencies? You should mind your tone a bit, especially in a chat group that also welcomes new investors. Or am I wrong and is this an esoteric group?

https://docs.nano.org/living-whitepaper/ The economic value of Nano is purely based on utility, supply, and demand. Nano was designed to serve as an alternative currency; no more, no less. As far as I know, there is no risk of monetary dependency with Nano because it does not rely on any overarching entity.

Anders-Talige Автор вопроса
Anders-Talige Автор вопроса
https://docs.nano.org/living-whitepaper/ The econ...

So Nano has a volatile nature, just like BTC as there is no value anchor. I wonder how a volatile asset can serve as a widely used currency? In monetary economics volatility is often seen to contradict wide adoption. How do you see this?

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