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$0.20 this week is no brainer FTM 2.0 announcement is in 2 days

If you haven't learned it yet, you will.. Markets (especially ALT's in a brutal downtrend) don't give a F*ck about a 2.0 anything (past like 15min) or anyone's 'hopium'... It's here to find value ONLY (max pain to as many as possible, as quick as possible to find True value acceptance)... FTM's Last range low is $0.164 and $0.15 on 7-21' and the last significant range up to $0.65 allows for a minimum LL test -1/8 expansion down (a possible false break back up level) at $0.107 and that level is middle of a 'Fair Value GAP' (1-21') that is the Probable target (its a single print area on MProfile).. Math is Math/ Value Structure is all that maters in the end. New incoming money supply is the limiter in Crypto - especially the ALTs for older L1's ... Where's the new Money FLOWS coming into this space and to find specific interest in this L1 protocol? « Thats the 'WHEN' it might regain it footing... after the 'WHEN' is obvious, simply buy the Higher Lows on strength... DCA UP from the bottom WHEN / if strength ($$$) is ENTERING again - no matter where the bottom ends up being- this year or next... or right here or at 0.01c -if ever.. Everything else is exit liquidity on the way to zero in the ALT's.. there is no place to hide other than 'healthy stables'...) Learn to Trade long 'with the real money in flows after an established base- ie with the big guys.. This usually is found on the right side of a 4hr Trendline after a market capitulates down ..use tight stops ALWAYS and reenter if/when necessary... Always remember, You'll need your money to play tomorrows games. ZERO (or close to it) is also a target...


look at it on a 30sec chart... WOW... 4.5% (following BTC,,lol)... now on a 3 hour chart .. Awe.. the dream is over.. again.

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