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Or maybe.. to do it one transaction, I'd have to

create 9 subaddresses and send 0.1 xmr to each subaddress?

"A smarter (nerdier) way to approach it is to send moneros to yourself to break those coins. But if you don’t manually break those coins apart into different transactions that go to different addresses, your wallet will try to merge them all together again. That’s exactly what you would do, if the wallet supports sending to multiple address in one transaction. It works, but you have to really think it through, calculate the amounts, copy and paste all the different addresses, and do it all in advance, otherwise it won’t make any difference. Long story short: it’s possible but it’s level 4 hackery."

4 ответов

9 просмотров

Pm me pls

Insomniac | Will Not DM First Davies
Pm me pls

@bitraas @sernico @GoJerry scammer

You don’t need to create multiple subadress, you can send it to any single address in one tx

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