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Top 10 active get 50usdt


Shaikh Arfan

🤣 🤣 You know more

Shaikh Arfan
Don't know bro😜

I wouldn't want to believe either

.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
Hel (Never DM first)
Top 10 active get 50usdt

I am always active. Is it necessary to spam?

.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
Who's this 👀😒

The one who domps in you sleep

Who's this 👀😒

Crypto 🐳 or alien 👾

.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
😈Exotix Guy👾
Crypto 🐳 or alien 👾

One person can't control the market

One person can't control the market

No one want to control it , if someone control it the it will be dead

One person can't control the market

Its possible for one person to influence the market

. Jaqen H’ghar
That’s a bull trap

Your view. Don't generalise it

.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
Sheila Shella
Then you are a whale

Naa , he is tail 😂😂

Exactly, i fear people like you , i want to follow your decision

Fear people, they can decide the direction of the market

.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса

Many coin went to 0. BTC is no exception. The question is when? 10 years? 100 years???

Sheila Shella
Its possible for one person to influence the marke...

Yeah, influencing it temporary. He's saying BTC will go to 0 😂

Yeah, influencing it temporary. He's saying BTC wi...

Not possible with the technology of Blockchain it has

.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
Sheila Shella
Exactly, i fear people like you , i want to follow...

Keep an eye on DOT then. Buy after 24th Oct. Also BNB around 15th Oct. Qnt, Hot, Arb too. Time and date not decided yet

.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
Sheila Shella
Haha ..Tessy should consider the LUNA

Well well, you can't compare BTC to Alt😎

Well well, you can't compare BTC to Alt😎

Sure ..was just checking of you are a wake

Sheila Shella
Not possible with the technology of Blockchain it ...

My point 💯 We might go down but not to zero 😉

.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
BTC is exceptional 💯

Even countries dies, it’s just a token. Many civilisation disappeared, it’s just a token. Dinosaurs, the mightiest, went extinct. It’s just a token. Many stars died and converted to black hole, it’s just a token.

. Jaqen H’ghar
Even countries dies, it’s just a token. Many civ...

Countries died , but it's belongs to world ,not region or country specific

Sheila Shella
Are you a bit like raid

I just had to back off😂

.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
We'll keep watching 🤗

We’ll go extinct too. After some time, earth will go so from the sun, that it will become cold planet. Nothing will grow and slowly we all will crumble to death.

.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
. Jaqen H’ghar
We’ll go extinct too. After some time, earth will ...

Nothing lasts forever we sure know. But as long as human race exists BTC will exist 😎

.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
Sheila Shella

Dont form a team against me, youll regret

.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
.-Jaqen H’ghar Автор вопроса
Marco Barbosa
But bitcoin will prevail in all eternity 😌

The candlesticks will be the reason of your fall. Be aware

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