210 похожих чатов

Hello, I have VET, how can I get VTHO? With

the new wallet VeWorld can I get VTHO?

Thanks in advance.

And please scammers, do not dm, I will not answer.

4 ответов

11 просмотров

yes, just send the VET to your wallet and it will accumulate VTHO

LD-S Автор вопроса
Dan M
yes, just send the VET to your wallet and it will ...

Thanks for your answer. Do I have to do anything to get the VTHO? Where this amount be reflected and how? Once again thanks.

Thanks for your answer. Do I have to do anything...

nope, just need to hold VET in your wallet and it will start generating VTHO automatically

LD-S Автор вопроса

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