209 похожих чатов

Looks like the rewards for vefpis need to be refilled.

Claimable fpis reward is no longer increasing. Can someone from the team take a look?

5 ответов

6 просмотров

I will report it

Moonunit-| POAP Автор вопроса
Wa (¤³, ¤³) | I won't PM you first
I will report it

Rewards not accruing 😢 someone from the team able to double check?

Moonunit | POAP
Rewards not accruing 😢 someone from the team able ...

I have reported it to the team, it should be fixed today.

Moonunit-| POAP Автор вопроса
Wa (¤³, ¤³) | I won't PM you first
I have reported it to the team, it should be fixed...

Thanks! Just using the opportunity to block a few more scammers 😘

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