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Is there any hope or light for a solution to

the situation? Or is it just going on as if nothing happened?

3 ответов

6 просмотров

While I may not have the complete picture, this is the general outline that I see: We have a plan in motion, and it involves several steps. First, we've taken measures to prevent the thief from selling their tokens, which is why deposits are currently closed on all exchanges. Additionally, we've issued a new version of wrapped Ever on ERC-20, and we're working closely with exchanges to transition to this new version, which excludes the thief's address. We're also taking legal action to ensure the thieves are held accountable for their actions. We are actively working on a resolution.

Aleksandr | Everscale
While I may not have the complete picture, this is...

So EVER held by the thief will be permanently incinerated?

So EVER held by the thief will be permanently inci...

Are EVERs on exchanges trading Erc-20 rebranded as newly wrapped tokens?

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