209 похожих чатов

To clarify: I have veFXS. Dont protocols bribe so that

there is additional yield that can be made on veFXS? Or, do I understand it wrong?

10 ответов

7 просмотров

If you already have veFXS, you can vote for bride here https://votemarket.stakedao.org/?market=fxs&solution=All

Bueno-Pues Автор вопроса
Dantes Stan (¤, ¤) | DON'T DM FOR ETH|$$
If you already have veFXS, you can vote for bride ...

Ok. Is there any risk? Meaning, the veFXS stays in my wallet? No transfer?

Bueno-Pues Автор вопроса
Dantes Stan (¤, ¤) | DON'T DM FOR ETH|$$
No risk

So, I am a dummy for not taking bribes the last 1+ years ? Like, bribes is a no brainer? Any reason not too get bribed ? Or, just laziness?

Bueno Pues
So, I am a dummy for not taking bribes the last 1+...

You can always check here https://votemarket.stakedao.org/?market=fxs&solution=All to see which bribe is available and vote. Make sure you claim the reward weekly.

Bueno-Pues Автор вопроса
Dantes Stan (¤, ¤) | DON'T DM FOR ETH|$$
You can always check here https://votemarket.stake...

So, I have to make enough for it to be worth an ETH transaction on a weekly basis?

Bueno Pues
So, I have to make enough for it to be worth an ET...

It depends on gwei when you decide to claim the bribe reward, so yeah.

Bueno-Pues Автор вопроса
Dantes Stan (¤, ¤) | DON'T DM FOR ETH|$$
It depends on gwei when you decide to claim the br...

And, there is no 3rd party that claims these rewards as a pool and then, sends them to veFXS holders to minimize gas? Does that service exist?

Bueno-Pues Автор вопроса
Dantes Stan (¤, ¤) | DON'T DM FOR ETH|$$
If you already have veFXS, you can vote for bride ...

In stakedaowfor duration. What does it mean “final stake period”? Does that mean, only 1 week left?

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