210 похожих чатов

Hello. I would like to know where and how rewards

come? I staked AVAX through allnodes using AVAX wallet Core on the P-chain network. Thank you

7 ответов

11 просмотров

Hi, staking rewards are accredited into your wallet at the end of the staking period.

They are newly minted avax and are automatically sent to your P chain address in your wallet at the end of the staking period

Maksim-Alekseevich Автор вопроса
Nicolas ∀
They are newly minted avax and are automatically ...

Thank you very much. I can't find the period end date on the core.app platform. I only remember the approximate date.

Maksim Alekseevich
Thank you very much. I can't find the period end d...

Really? If you have your address you can look up the staking transaction on an explorer like avascan.info

Maksim-Alekseevich Автор вопроса
Nicolas ∀
Really? If you have your address you can look up t...

The date when the steak period will end, not the day I steak.

Maksim Alekseevich
The date when the steak period will end, not the d...

Yeah I understood. The staking duration should show up on the explorer. Other alternative would be to use wallet.avax.network and go in the estimated rewards page to see the duration and amount of staking reward

Maksim-Alekseevich Автор вопроса

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