209 похожих чатов

I keep my wever on metamask. Idk if that save

or not. Any suggestions?

9 ответов

17 просмотров

Metamask is safe enough

Aleksandr | Everscale
Metamask is safe enough

I think it's too irresponsible I hope you don't ignore the holders. Foundations exist only when there are holders. I hope you don't forget. Holders are doing all the damage.

I think it's too irresponsible I hope you don't ig...

We’re not ignoring anyone 🙏 Our team is working on the solution described in the recent announcement, please be patient, it’s on its final stages

Aleksandr | Everscale
We’re not ignoring anyone 🙏 Our team is working on...

Thank you. Holders are dying Please suggest a quick solution

Drama much? 😉

What do you mean?

Drama much? 😉

Hi Zebie, I remember you were asking about Everscale tokenomics. Here’s the slide with actual information, we will later add it to our website:

Aleksandr | Everscale
screenshot Hi Zebie, I remember you were asking about Eversca...

I think if there is an info about initial issue 5000M, it should be noted on the leaflet that 3000M were burned, or else somebody would sum up the numbers and be perplexed where are 3000M🤔

Aleksandr | Everscale
screenshot Hi Zebie, I remember you were asking about Eversca...

Fantastic. Thanks Aleksandr. Highly appreciate this.

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