209 похожих чатов

Thank you so much! Would you be so kind to

tell me what is average price for claiming rewards?

6 ответов

7 просмотров

It depends on how much veFXS you used to vote, under APR it shows how much $ you will receive per 1 veFXS

Anton NoDM1st
No, i mean gas fees

It depends on the network, it is just a claim tx.

Anton-NoDM1st Автор вопроса
Wa (¤³, ¤³) | I won't PM you first
It depends on the network, it is just a claim tx.

But since my FXS can be staked only in Ethereum network, doesn't it mean, that i will pay fees in eth?

Anton NoDM1st
But since my FXS can be staked only in Ethereum ne...

Yes i mean it depends on the network general gas fees at that time.

Anton-NoDM1st Автор вопроса

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