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Hey Frax team. I contacted you guys about this before

but was wondering ifyou can help me out.

"Hi Sam. I remember you talking about a mechanism that allows your stablecoin supply to dynamically expand and contract depending on demand and what the market determines as a safe level of partially backed. Is this implemented on Frax now or has anything changed with plans to use that since you pivoted to using US treasury bills as collateral instead of USDC? Are there any resources like videos or podcasts that explains how this system you created works?"

Is this a feature that was scrapped since pivoting to buying actual u.s. treasuries?

I was replied to by one of your admins with a link to the Frax docs but was wondeirng if you can give me any clues as to how to search for this section if it's still in there. What is the mechanism called and how can I search for it in the docs? Thank you.

5 ответов

4 просмотра

I think you might find what your looking for here. The AMOs were introduced in Frax v2. The all have three main functions https://docs.frax.finance/amo/overview Every AMO has 3 properties: Decollateralize - the portion of the strategy which lowers the CR Market operations - the portion of the strategy that is run in equilibrium and doesn't change the CR Recollateralize - the portion of the strategy which increases the CR

onlygoodtime- Автор вопроса
Justin Abraham (¤, ¤)
I think you might find what your looking for here....

Does it mean that Frax supply will increase beyond the 1:1 colalteral ratio in order to scale when demand is there and the market allows it. and then shrink when the market thinks it's too much or too risky?

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Where? I feel like I have locked down my TG as best as possible and I still get randos

Bueno Pues
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