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Why do people into crypto keep expecting a bull market?

Don't they realize that fiat money is getting more worthless with the day? It's not like when their income becomes less and less with each day that they're gonna invest into crypto games 😆

7 ответов

9 просмотров

Because this has always been the case and there has been many bull markets regardless

Droucil- Автор вопроса
Because this has always been the case and there ha...

Also, what this really says to me is that most people into crypto still believe this fiat system is gonna last for a while longer.

Also, what this really says to me is that most peo...

We know, that’s why we also buy ice and Ak‘s

Also, what this really says to me is that most peo...

We know, that’s why we also buy rice and Ak‘s

Also, what this really says to me is that most peo...

Absolutely it wont just go away overnight


Joe (2) has increased reputation of DashOrCrash (1)

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