210 похожих чатов

Hey guys what about making a list of approved safe

sites? that could also help

4 ответов

7 просмотров

I’d almost agree with that but what if a site was safe but then wasn’t, can’t they just change the permission, you might not read it after the 17th time you access the site. Like imagine if one of the popular energy site decided to go rouge.

Same as adding a tab on reported sites, should work together with Tronlink.org and Tronscan.org so after its been reported you see a warning if you try to sign and if anyone asks here what happened we can then see just by taking a look they used a site on the scam list 👌

BeatWonderful 10% off Tangem x Tron in bio
I’d almost agree with that but what if a site was ...

True, some would get burned but after a while we manage to save the rest, same as FTX was good and then SBF did his thing 😂

Turbo- Автор вопроса
Simon | TRONIC | 🇬🇧
Same as adding a tab on reported sites, should wor...

thats really nice...the list should be updated 24/7... also a place where people could report scams...with immediate action...

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