an xpos and costumers could buy crypto at home?
Amazon can apply for xpos anytime, they choose to use the payment system, there is no need for partnership, they just need to apply to use the service
I mean no payments the costumers from Amazon buy crypto to save them on px card. Amazon get a provision for the Service. Salepoint for crypto by peoples at home. The driver is the dealer.
People don't need Amazon to buy Crypto, Amazon would probably need special licences to sell Crypto it's not in their area of business
Not all people are ready to buy crypto. Wallet, PC or the technical background.
true, adoption will take a long time, this is why Xpos can be in any corner store, first time buyer with no experience are likely to buy from a store where they can ask questions in person, I don't think online amazon is the answer
Not online. The driver with an xpos in his car!
yes it's all possible and available for any business minded person to take up tomorrow, the ability is there for anyone whom wants to provide the service, in store, in a car, in a dollar market, at a concert, they just need to contact pundix, Xpos is not just a device
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