209 похожих чатов

I can't claim via aggregate and claim? I want all

my rewards on Avalanche

6 ответов

19 просмотров

The Aggregate&Claim function has been disabled on SGN, it is recommended to claim directly from the chains.

cBridge Support Team Ivan
The Aggregate&Claim function has been disabled on ...

Is there any chance it will be enabled again? Claiming on each chain and bridging causes more money loss, than profit

Stella- Автор вопроса

The feature was temporarily disabled because of liquidity constraints. When we were experimenting with adjusting the liquidity pool cap for certain pairs, it was challenging to facilitate this feature. This adjustment was being explored as a way to enhance liquidity efficiency, in response to a community proposal detailed here: https://forum.celer.network/t/cip-xx-improve-the-liquidity-efficiency-of-cbridge/816 We appreciate your feedback, and we will share it with our team for a thorough assessment of when we can reintroduce this feature

cBridge Support Team Ivan
The feature was temporarily disabled because of li...

Yeah look there is literally little point staking through the SGN if the rewards are not able to be claimed an efficient manner

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