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Can someone give me a TLDR with the coinmarketcap situation?

2 ответов

13 просмотров

[@kilv3r] I think this meme pretty much sums it up. CMC called out on BS practices then they throw a tantrum on Twitter instead of solving this professionally. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/668903786902847502/1170692278998810674/IMG_8085.jpg?ex=6559f725&is=65478225&hm=8b9e2ac9477398b8f97c7b5dc6a13d5673b813f1c9700113af324b362af55702&

Finally got our circulating supply fixed after 2 years because they tried to invoice us 5k and got some pushback off twitter/media. Tried to get the ergo price history sorted so people weren't being actively misled while we had their attention. Least they could do after the circulating supply issue cost us 20-50 ranks consistently. Instead they said the circulating supply issue was our fault because we didn't supply the right data - even though we have emails showing we did. And instead opted to post that libelous statement on the top of the erg page.

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