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For More details, you can check this mate. https://alienworlds.medium.com/9fc4cc8c29a9?source=friends_link&sk=90d5873fde4ca7b3b431286366676d20

3 ответов

22 просмотра

If I undesrstood, the boosts vanish every 25hours but the land ratting mantains while keep boosting? What if I boost when there are 4 hours for the boost reset?

Geet-Sehgal Автор вопроса
Yami Ghor
If I undesrstood, the boosts vanish every 25hours ...

Suppose you boost one slot you can boost and you get 0.5% (0.03+0.05+0.08+0.13+0.21) inhance in land ratings. That'll remain permanent. You can boost that slot again in 25hrs .

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