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So we basically have nothing noteworthy to look forward to

this year except FXS halvening right?
Maybe some pre-hype for fraxchain but that's still not in audits

6 ответов

12 просмотров

Look forward to the liquidity cycle and stable coin market cap booming again.

Anima-Dunk Автор вопроса
Jefe ElJefe
Look forward to the liquidity cycle and stable coi...

Guessing it would be nice to have some good revenue again

FXBs are next on the docket and dont forget about frxETH v2

Anima-Dunk Автор вопроса
DeFi Dave
FXBs are next on the docket and dont forget about ...

weren't those coming out near fraxchain release?

Anima Dunk
weren't those coming out near fraxchain release?

FXBs are being tested on polygon so those are only a matter of time

Anima-Dunk Автор вопроса
DeFi Dave
FXBs are being tested on polygon so those are only...

Still weird that polygon is the testing grounds

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