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After Fraxchain launch. It will be a great addition to the ecosystem 👍

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
After Fraxchain launch. It will be a great additio...

Will frxETH use PLONK for ZK proofs? Also are you guys planning on using smth like Circom or Noir

Will frxETH use PLONK for ZK proofs? Also are you ...

In terms of the beacon oracle proofs for reading beacon chain state? Or are you referring to a specific other part of the protocol?

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
In terms of the beacon oracle proofs for reading b...

Reply me something Only 2 members is eligible for 1.4M and 0.5M xp How? I have voted also and ast in team to confermation regarding eligibility but I didn't got any response... Why...?????

Kesharisinh Parmar
Reply me something Only 2 members is eligible for ...

I literally have no idea because I don’t run the Taho thing. This is a partnership with Taho+Flywheel. Why don’t you ask in their group? It might sound like it’s a Frax protocol thing, but it’s actually not our direct involvement.

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
After Fraxchain launch. It will be a great additio...

Can we get some alpha on frxbtc? Is it gonna be something like tbtc or ebtc? Maybe both?

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