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Hi. Does somebody experience some connecting problems with trustwallet app?

It seems it can't connect and show my wallet on venus io. Seems the same issue is also with walletconnect.

For the scammers
(Scammers don't try to DM me)

11 ответов

19 просмотров

Try deleting cookies and clearing cache let's see if this will work

are you connecting through Wallet Connect?

Kiking-incento Автор вопроса
Kiking-incento Автор вопроса
Dom | Venus 🇨🇿
are you connecting through Wallet Connect?

I have tried it on mobile through trustwallet but unfortunately its not working.

Kiking incento
I have tried it on mobile through trustwallet but ...

You have to choose wallet connect instead of trust wallet

Kiking-incento Автор вопроса
Kiking incento
From the web app or inside the trustwallet?

If you open venus dapp and click on connect wallet you will see options like brave metamask trust wallet etc you have to choose there "wallet connect" approve in tw and it will work

Kiking-incento Автор вопроса

Uninstall then reinstall

Kiking-incento Автор вопроса
Uninstall then reinstall

Thnx! Will try it out when i have some free time

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