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Guys, I have a few questions, please, I hope you

can help me in some way, what exactly happened to the coin btcst, which is at 0.34 cents, could then come back to €20 at some point, what is the best thing we can do or when do you think it will be? The time has come because I'm wondering bitcoin has already risen but BT C St hasn't risen yet, what should we do?

3 ответов

20 просмотров

For this coin to go up the devs need to be working, it seems like all the devs have abandoned ship and left, what

Lolop- Автор вопроса
For this coin to go up the devs need to be working...

In your opinion, what do we want to do when bitcoin gets to 80000, don't you think it will rise and when will btcst be listed on binance

In your opinion, what do we want to do when bitcoi...

Btcst was listed in binance actually.it was part of the launchpad

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