210 похожих чатов

@SanketCrypto is staking available on the new chain?

15 ответов

35 просмотров

What do you mean by new chain?

Sanket | Polygon
What do you mean by new chain?

How can I apply for dev roles in polygons

Web3 vivek
How can I apply for dev roles in polygons

Checkout the open role from here and apply accordingly https://jobs.lever.co/Polygon/

Sanket | Polygon
Checkout the open role from here and apply accordi...

Do you accept application through linkedin also??

Linkedin will also redirect to Jobslever site

dwt kapa
wich one

Like simple swap

dwt kapa
sir how can i bridge polygon to linea ?

We don't offer a native bridge between these 2 networks. You gotta find a 3rd party bridge that supports bridging/swapping between these two networks. Not sure of which supports the network you mentioned, but you could checkout multi swap for example or similar services.

We don't offer a native bridge between these 2 net...

Why not ? To be honest I hodl MATIC long time ago and isn’t professional to do a token migration and you guys won’t provide the automatic swap

LD- Автор вопроса
The pol network (new network)

POL is only the new token. Also currently staking works with MATIC only.

LD- Автор вопроса

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