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2 ответов

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I'm in the same position as you, there is one thing you can do, send 0.001 to 0.002 bnb if it is not immediately gone then it means the hackers do their job manually. They are all Russian, and they sleep as well. You can (if there is no sweeper) send and claim / unstake when it is midnight in Russia. In case there is a sweeper, you can hire in a white hat. They are expensive though, there is a discord with genuine one, they program so when the hacker sends bnb it will process faster so neither of you can claim. Eventually the hacker after some years may leave the funds alone and you can reclaim it

I'm in the same position as you, there is one thin...

Could work indeed, but then you need to make a choice of how much it's worth. It's an expensive lesson to learn

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