210 похожих чатов

Ok, so has the project developed and expanded, is it

still active? Where can I learn about the ecosystem or confirm the network's application expansion?

11 ответов

17 просмотров

I provided you with links here: https://t.me/casperblockchain/675407

HOÀ MỖ- Автор вопроса
Jeroen Abel | Shark Media | Shark Media
I provided you with links here: https://t.me/casp...

It's been 2 years and it seems like the project hasn't changed anything, it's even been very quiet with no big new developments, what's the reason?

It's been 2 years and it seems like the project ha...

this guy is very toxic. Just affirm few minutes before casper is a scam. He did not deserve any comment but just get ban from there. Is very toxic. ENOUGH WITH FUD. ADMIN WAKE UP

It's been 2 years and it seems like the project ha...

Have you checked the links I provided? Talking about big new developments, CasperLabs, together with IBM and WatsonX recently held a webinar demoing Brave AI: https://pages.casperlabs.io/webinar/recording/building-responsible-ai I recommend you go watch it.

HOÀ MỖ- Автор вопроса
this guy is very toxic. Just affirm few minutes be...

Did your mother teach you to behave like that?

It’s still ticking away, consistent improvements. Have you checked out the website yet? Few projects adopting and starting to become familiar with it. NFT’s starting to warm up.

this guy is very toxic. Just affirm few minutes be...

Thanks, Levlev. We generally don't ban people, only as a last resort. This is our main group and we intend to keep it as open as possible.

It's been 2 years and it seems like the project ha...

Maybe you should take a look at the github, lots of development happening

Jeroen Abel | Shark Media | Shark Media
Thanks, Levlev. We generally don't ban people, onl...

ok then continues to deleted his nessages affirm casper is a scam and dont give him any warnings. We got a shit storm from last week and it will continues if you dont shut down thoses toxic people. UP TO YOU. IM OUT

ok then continues to deleted his nessages affirm c...

We are shutting them down, keep your eye on the chat, difficult question's are welcome, mindless fud is not, but we will rarely ban. Fud will result in a week timeout, this makes it not worth doing and get's rif of it from our groups.

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