209 похожих чатов

7 ответов

15 просмотров


Bismarck B
screenshot This?

Amp needs to sleep just like the people do. :)

☽utch-Skyw₳lker Автор вопроса
Bismarck B
screenshot This?

Funny guy.. sold early?

☽utch Skyw₳lker
Funny guy.. sold early?

Nah still holding, i just dont want to get my hopes up like i did last time we saw a similar pattern and it tanked..

☽utch-Skyw₳lker Автор вопроса
☽utch-Skyw₳lker Автор вопроса

Good reaction om the 1h 50ma trendline.. Btc took out liquidity below.. let's go guys

So what's meant to happen now? I'm not saying its not going to pump, and i really hope it does, but i dont get how the line boiz decide which lines are important and which aren't, would be genuinely curious to learn

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