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Due to subnets coming more in 2024, is it best

to validate AVAX on your node quarterly or can you go 6 months or a year?

6 ответов

23 просмотра

Yield will be slightly higher if you stake longer

Dr. Ears🔺- Автор вопроса
Nicolas ∀
Yield will be slightly higher if you stake longer

Any downside to not being able to pull the AVAX out of the node for subnets?

Dr. Ears🔺- Автор вопроса
Nicolas ∀
Well yeah if you need the funds for example

Would not need the funds only wondering if had to send the AVAX to a different node for subnet instead of my own.

Dr. Ears🔺
Would not need the funds only wondering if had to ...

no you can just add a subnet to the networks you validate with a command line if i'm not mistaken

Dr. Ears🔺- Автор вопроса

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