210 похожих чатов

OK, if I have 1000+xvs staked and now have prime

token. Now if I ad more xvs for staking do this amount immediately boost rewards?

8 ответов

17 просмотров

Yes if you stake more XVS your rewards are adjusted immediately you don't need to wait 90 days again.

Robi- Автор вопроса
Dom | Venus 🇨🇿
Yes if you stake more XVS your rewards are adjuste...

Please do marketing with that. This is massive 👍👍

With positive apy at borrow and prime acting this way.... I'm using the protocol at its best

Dom | Venus 🇨🇿
Yes if you stake more XVS your rewards are adjuste...

I really hope this doesnt work that way...people had to stake for 90 days...and this should BE the rule...for any new deposit INTO the Vault...otherwise a person with 1000XVS has prime and in 1 day can get same Rewards as who staked 5000 XVS for 90 days...no sense i guess

I really hope this doesnt work that way...people ...

Agreed with this one tho... its unfair for people like me who staked more than a year and no further money to get more LOL, New deposit should have wait 90 days to get updated boost

I really hope this doesnt work that way...people ...

I think the good thing about this is more people will be tempting to get more XVS and Stake them in the vault which is very good for us.

Sunshine MOONBOY
I think the good thing about this is more people w...

Yes i do realize the Benefict...but allowing that Boost to became instant makes no sense for me...but sure if os this way its done...despite i dont agree with that

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