209 похожих чатов

What about this idea: a RPC node have received the

malicious tx. is it possible to figure out which one? the tx has to be made over some web2 connection so via tcp/ip. i guess the hacker used TOR or some anonymizer, but is it possible to get the sender IP? or maybe a pool of adresses if RPC not logged connections, i mean the RPC has to be on a server in any datacenter. tpc/ip has go thought some routers/switches. maybe provider has somehow logs from this. otherwise if someone is so skilled in web3 i think he has solid web2 skills too to hide traces. just thinking ....

1 ответов

18 просмотров

For an ordinary team, it is impossible, but some certain Cyber hunters are capable of doing this, I know some teams like slowmist, they have some secret weapons in their arsenal which is very powerful especially in tracing. They work with some sovereign powers.

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