same value of YFI?
#2. If staked for 209 weeks, do we get rewards daily accumulated and are they available for withdrawal daily or we get rewards available after staking period is over?
#3. Once the stake period completes, does my YFI gets credit to my wallet automatically or I should pay any gas, if gas then approx. what is the gas fees?
#4. What is meant by the redemption gas fees in Eth?
#5. What is the gas fees for claiming rewards approx.?
#6. Highest APY % and lowest APY% since launch of staking YFI.?
#7. If I want to get into 4 years (209 weeks), do I need to get voting power separately or I can just go and stake it choosing 209 weeks?
#8. dYFI, VeYFI and YFI = All are same price?
most of these can be answered by the docs already linked to you above. 1. no. veYFI is not transferrable and therefore cant be traded. this is answered in the docs. 2. you can claim rewards whenever you want. a quick glance at the veYFI page on the website answers this question. 3. you have to withdraw. a quick glance at the veYFI page on the website answers this question. 4. every transaction on Ethereum needs gas. redemption of rewards is not any different. 5. about 0.004 ETH on average. you can check transaction history for rewards claims here and here 6. i dont see historical graphs for this but from what ive seen the few times i checked, 20-25% 7. veYFI IS voting power. this is answered in the docs. 8. no. this is answered in the docs.
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