209 похожих чатов

FUD always comes when it appears that Hbars are underperforming.

We are watching the first round of a 15 round fight, no not 15 rounds, a gladiator fight to the death. OK, said nicely, a 100 year fight. Many have already thrown their best punches and we are still standing strong. How many times have fighters gassed out in the early rounds? It happens all the time and it is happening now. All Hedera has to do is exercise the fight plan. They know the opponents, they have studied them for years, we are superior in every important measurement. We will stand strong, keep the momentum going and when the opponents make mistakes, we will knock them out. The thing is, it could happen at any time, we have trained well and are that good. Oh and look at the odds, we are trading at 6 cents and going to multiple dollars, what more could you ask for?

1 ответов

23 просмотра

Hmmm, not quite every important metric

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