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Just thinking of another example. you go to the grocery

store and pick up some bread. the cashier says it's 3 dollars. you reach in your pocket and pull out a few sats to pay. and the cashier is like, WTF is this?! and you say that's 3 bucks. at this point they're calling security. if they have ampera you could hand over a note from your bank saying "Bro totally has 3 dollars. we'll lock it up for you. if those sats he gave you are worthless, you can totally have these 3 dollars".

in this example the merchant doesn't have to care about what they received in payment because they know that the LOC (note for the bank) is rock solid and they can get paid if the buyer is trying to commit fraud.

1 ответов

19 просмотров

That is a fricken sweet analogy 🫡🤝👊

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