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I have been watching all the videos about hashgraph again

and I have a few doubts. If you allow me, I would like to share my doubts with all of you. Leemon says that when Hedera becomes fully descentralized, the community will be able to have their own private nodes, which is great. But, what are the incentives to have your own node once all the supply is deployed? I know that Hedera is efficient and doesn't consume lots of energy like Bitcoin. However, if the rewards are paid through the fees (0,0001$ per transaction), I can't understand where the profit is for having a node.
Sorry If It is a silly question, but I'm a young guy who is still learning about different Blockchains and Networks like Hedera.
I would appreciate it if someone could explain that to me or share where I can find more information about It.

4 ответов

21 просмотр

No question is silly my friend! I don’t have an answer but admire your approach :)

Krls- Автор вопроса
No question is silly my friend! I don’t have an an...

Thank you, I hope that someone could answer me. I would like to ask more questions about the project, not to threaten but to understand it better. I love Hedera because, Imho, has the potential to resolve the trilemma.

I know the fee is small, but wont billions off transactions be running thru all these nodes, plus the hbar price may increase due to nodes, so theres defo profit for nodes id say

For the numbers to work out, we need billions of txs per day. The fees get split between Hedera, node tx fees, staking rewards and node rewards. With enough txs there will be enough rewards.

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