testnet is still this month?
It's basically live now, although we are still cleaning up the bridge UI and actively working on it. You can, for example, 1. Add Holesky (https://rpc.testnet.frax.com/l1) and Fraxchain Testnet (https://rpc.testnet.frax.com/l2)to MetaMask (it's also on Chainlist) 2. Get some Holesky ETH. There is a faucet: https://holesky-faucet.pk910.de/ 3. Mint some frxETH on our main app while being connected to Holesky (the new Ethereum testnet, where we are also running a lot of validators). It is not in the chain switcher, but the app will detect it when you switch in MetaMask. 4. Bridge your frxETH to Fraxchain Testnet using the bridge UI https://testnet.frax.com/tools/bridge/deposit Alternatively, you can just bridge your Holesky ETH directly and it will become frxETH on the L2.
this is incredible news! Justin, if you follow the steps in this article then thirdweb will be configured to support the network. All of our free and opensrouce web3 dev tools and infrastrucutre will be available to anyone who wants to build on frax chain https://support.thirdweb.com/faqs/46Gqh9RZHFdSczPCyeCQJH/how-to-add-your-evm-chain-to-thirdweb%E2%80%99s-chainlist-/3HMqrwyxXUFxQYaudDJffT
hi Jason, I've DMed you about it
Depends whether you want to count FXS. imo, a fair valuation for fxs based on a discounted p/e.
Bridged some Holesky ETH to Fraxchain Testnet and made a transfer paying some frxETH. Very nice. Anything else to do on the chain yet? Any blockchain explorer available?
Fraxscan is coming, as well as more stuff 🤫 you are earlier than early ser
Heh heh, looking forward to it!
1) how does bAMM tie into increasing CR? 2) whats fraxswap gonna do after bamm? 3) how is max ltv is calculated for bAMM
Why are you still using MetaMask is the question
Rabby wasn't showing my Holesky assets in fact, so rather than spend time working out why I just went back to Metamask instead :)
how can I play with the testnet of fraxchain?
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