210 похожих чатов

Wondering if we're entering a #BullMarket? Is #AltSeason upon us?

We do not have a Crystal Ball 🔮 but...

1⃣ 🚀 Venus Prime, our innovative rewards program, has just been launched some days ago! Check for details:

2⃣ 🎉 Our 3rd Anniversary campaign is live!

3⃣ 🦄 Big move ahead, we're expanding onto Ethereum!

4⃣ 💵 Our proposal to Re-enable VAI minting is ongoing!

🎁 Plus, keep an eye out for more surprises coming very soon! Stay tuned...

#VenusPrime #Venus3rd #VenusEthereum #Build #Community #EasyAs123
#Crypto #DeFi #Bullish @VenusProtocol $XVS $VAI


5 ответов

32 просмотра


Any time frame for Erc20 deployment? Thanks.

Naruto - unknown Naruto
Any time frame for Erc20 deployment? Thanks.

Target date is before eoy, so more like next few days or weeks

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