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I have a question about burning 50% of profits.

The fun token was burned in a year, 100 million at an exchange rate of 500,000 US dollars. Please tell me this is all that the project is capable of?

1 ответов

16 просмотров

Thank you for your question, So based on your question the burning of 100 million FUN Tokens at an exchange rate of $500,000 USD is a significant step taken by the project to reduce the token supply and potentially increase its value. However, it's important also to understand that burning tokens is just one aspect of the project's strategy. FUNToken continues to work on various initiatives and partnerships to enhance the utility and adoption of the token. The burning of tokens is part of a bigger scale plan to create value for the FUNToken community. The project is committed to exploring new opportunities and avenues for growth. So i would recommend to stay tuned for future plans and development to know more

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