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Still above 1h 50ma.. we will have a breakout, or

a fakeout first and a breakout to the other direction.. question is: can we keep this bullish momentum?

3 ответов

11 просмотров

I might be wrong but, judging by previous pumps on this upscale journey. Think we’ll trade sideways for awhile then head towards 0.005 area and a consolidation around 0.0045 region. This isn’t finance advise!

☽utch-Skyw₳lker Автор вопроса
I might be wrong but, judging by previous pumps on...

No problems with that.. besides, on kucoin, it nearly reached 0,005 already, so we might short past it

☽utch Skyw₳lker
No problems with that.. besides, on kucoin, it nea...

I think it’ll be sooner than last time also, maybe a week or little longer then we’ll see another leg up. Could be wildly wrong tho so…..

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