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Why @Beathaven and Tatsuaki arguing on Twitter? That's a bit

childish and not a good look on Hedera

5 ответов

19 просмотров

I think the reason for dispute was the "spaceX engineer" that actually might not be one 😂

Who is that.

HbarMoon- Автор вопроса
I think the reason for dispute was the "spaceX eng...

Yeah but you don't do it in public, that's messed up. What do you think the haters would do now? Taking advantage of the opportunity and creating FUD

Yeah but you don't do it in public, that's messed ...

Thats a valid point, but you know how things can escalate quickly. Best we focus on productive things and wait for the inspector to present his results

₿anana₿ob / Chris
Who is that.

Which one you mean? @Beathaven is a well known long term and credible member of our community, also known as hedera's chief inspector 😄 Tatsuaki recently stepped into the spotlight as a rising Star, which raised concerns if he is legit and has only good intentions

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