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But why don't all the negative naysayers put their money

where their mouths are and get involved in this decentralized project themselves? Instead of complaining here about all the people who are working on it.

If I had time I would get involved. But I don't have time. So I am not going to start being nasty about zooko, ecc, zf and all the others involved who actually do bother to take part

3 ответов

13 просмотров

you know that calling out stuff that someone doesn't like, must not always mean that i am against something.

Every individual has a way to contribute. It is about how we empower each to best serve the interest of the mission

Cryptonaut-Zodler Автор вопроса
Every individual has a way to contribute. It is ab...

Agreed. That's why it is so disheartening when you see the toxicity directed at individuals like zooko in groups like this. Maybe he isn't perfect as a CEO or human being- but who is? I think the kind of lambasting that happens from certain individuals is more harmful to the project than anything ecc or zf has done. I for one have left this group a few times now due to the negativity I have seen

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