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Ermm let me share a project I been with for

2 years. Let me know whether you think is a scam. The project call Icebreak R. They have migrated from BNB to fantom. Over 2 years, not much news but they are building behind to develop a social dapp and comic series and great news they are able launch by next year due to their resilience. Would you say they scam because the mcap drop from $1m to now $90k in fantom?

4 ответов

9 просмотров
0xYi 🌝- Автор вопроса

@Caped question to you and do some research and tell me please. Real developer know why they choose fantom.

0xYi 🌝
@Caped question to you and do some research and te...

Will take a look and get back to you after work. I don't care about price/mcap. Scams can be top 10 like bitconnect if they want to be. I'm tired of this, "it's not a scam because price goes up". Anyways seeya later and thanks for telling me about them, sounds interesting, not much in the desoc space and i haven't heard of them before.

0xYi 🌝
@Caped question to you and do some research and te...

Looking into icebreak-r: 0/10 not overtly a scam/ponzi. Just looks like a bad business. We have a rfi taxed token fork -> cool bit of code but a 3% transfer tax doesn't add any real economic value to any project. If this was all the token did then it would be a ponzi scheme however it also does other things so we can just hope if their business is successful they remove the ponzi elements eventually. Nft market: not much to say, its an nft market, easy to make, not much to it honestly. Would a scammer build an nft market? Maybe, but they're less likely to do so. However some of the images on the marketplace I'm pretty sure they don't have the rights to use so bit sketchy there but could just be inexperience. This next part is just my opinion not factual but I think the nft market looks pretty cool, some minor tweaks would really make it stand out compared to others like paintswap. General website: this screams that a child or someone very unfamiliar with crypto made this project. We have things like anonymity because it uses web3 wallets which sounds like something Elizabeth Warren would say since at best web3 is pseudonymous. A roadmap that hasn't been updated since 2021 with features still missing from 2021. Conflicting text saying on fantom then just below it on BSc(I'm guessing this is due to the transition but it screams of ineptitude). No medium articles since 2022. The rest of the pages on the website are lackluster. If they do develop a social app successfully I'd be very surprised since nothing they've written seems to indicate they even understand how web3 works let alone know how to program. Verdict: while this doesn't look like it was made to scam people, this might as well be a scam. It's one of those projects like many in crypto built by someone who probably just wanted to launch something fast that sounded like a cool idea in the bullrun to make money. However without an understanding of finance, blockchain, smart contracts, or what's needed to run a business this has a 1 in a million chance of success. Very few people who are this uneducated in the field their business operates have managed to get enough investors to hire actual developers and create a real project. Those people basically won the lottery. This team will probably join the thousands of others who don't win the lottery. 0/10 If they release a social dapp I'll change my score to 4/10. But with not even a single screenshot I can find of the dapp in development on discord or Twitter I am pressing a hard X to doubt.

0xYi 🌝- Автор вопроса
Looking into icebreak-r: 0/10 not overtly a scam/p...

I have seen how the dapp works. Yeah they are super quiet about the progress but not in telegram. The devs are always around to answer any question. Maybe you can drop in and have a chit chat, pretty sure they will answer you. It had been transparent all the time.

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