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Hedera and Mance are talking about tokenization for a long

time. But now I hear and read all over that Avalanche is going to be the big player in that field. Did "we" miss the boat?

26 ответов

42 просмотра

Are you serious? Do you know anything about Hedera? Toko? Archax?

Tammie- Автор вопроса
General Von Klinkerhoffen
Are you serious? Do you know anything about Hedera...

I know all this. But it seems that Avax has all the attention when talking RWA.

Tammie- Автор вопроса
Check City and JP Morgan

They are trialling on Avax. DLA Piper and Abrdn actually built on Hedera. Don't agree with your statement at all.

Tammie- Автор вопроса
General Von Klinkerhoffen
They are trialling on Avax. DLA Piper and Abrdn a...

I hope you’re right, but see it a lot on X as well.

I hope you’re right, but see it a lot on X as well...

Do you expect every bank and business to use Hedera? Lets not be naive. What are Avax doing with climate initiatives, supply chain etc?

Tammie- Автор вопроса
Tammie- Автор вопроса

Every chain will claim they are going to be the biggest. What stupid question to ask. Tokenization is not going to be on 1 chain and we know very well Hedera started long ago and already ahead of others. I suggest you listen to Hedera updates and watch the work they are doing in this field and ignore other chains.

Tammie- Автор вопроса
There is no such thing as a stupid question.

We have many L1s around but when it comes to institutional level there are really 3 or 4 stand out. Hedera for sure is 1 of them. We have so many institutions behind us but we can't have the whole world just on Hedera.

Cryptonic Bull
We have many L1s around but when it comes to insti...

Exactly. Sometimes it may seem a lot is happening elsewhere but it's only a fraction of the progress Hedera have made. Also, Avax has had a nightmare with fees recently, which are also not stable. Most of these partnerships that other chains have are for trials.

I don't think we have missed the boat. In fact we are sailing the boat when it comes to RWA tokenization. Remember we are at the very beginning of this revolution and there are going to be a lot of testing and trying all on different chains but I'm confident Hedera is going to be 1 of the best DLTs. We are cheap, secure, fast, green... Institutions like that

General Von Klinkerhoffen
Exactly. Sometimes it may seem a lot is happening ...

Yeah I think a lot of testing is happening but Abrdn, Archax and RedSwan are actually building on Hedera and no more testing. Diamond standard is another one I think. What's good about Hedera is that we can prove we are the fastest and cheapest and the greenest straight away

Yeah I think a lot of testing is happening but Abr...

Exactly. Nothing like this on Sol and Ada. Just degen nonsense.

TOKO, Abrdn, Red Swan, Quarter Homes, Fresh Supply Co, atma (once they start to tokenize carbon data), Allcot These are all companies that have either started or are planning on utilizing Hedera for tokenization of stuff. I don’t think anyone else is close in the space.

TOKO, Abrdn, Red Swan, Quarter Homes, Fresh Supply...

And I guarantee there will be many more next year. I'm invested in Hedera because I look at the future and what Hedera is doing to be part of it. I can tell you there is so much much happening around Hedera. As Mance said, we don't even know half the stuff. I think because of legal procedures certain things are being kept quiet until they become public. Trust the process

General Von Klinkerhoffen
Exactly. Nothing like this on Sol and Ada. Just de...

Solana going down multiple times and stil has a much bigger community. Cardano also big community. Currently a big and rising community is missing on Hedera to do the marketing by itself.

This is a combative question.

Tammie- Автор вопроса
This is such a combative terrible response

Give it a rest. Yours is a provocative response.

This is such a combative terrible response

This is a provocative response. Nothing to do with you. Mind your own.

TOKO, Abrdn, Red Swan, Quarter Homes, Fresh Supply...

Good weekend to all and lets pray for our hedera going to 1$ in the future.

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