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On sauce is it better to provide liquidity or stake


6 ответов

18 просмотров
Crypto-Collecter Автор вопроса

like single sided staking for eg

Crypto-Collecter Автор вопроса

someone help please if they can

Crypto Collecter
someone help please if they can

I've only been single sided staking normally 5.5-7% APR, I'm well happy with that and the price appreciation of SAUCE too

Crypto-Collecter Автор вопроса
I've only been single sided staking normally 5.5-7...

okay cool & i take it that’s on your sauce?

Crypto Collecter
okay cool & i take it that’s on your sauce?

Yes so staking my Sauce on SaucerSwap and receiving XSauce

These are pretty different strategies so it’s hard to compare. LP if you want higher risk and (potentially) higher reward, and more active management, stake if you want lower risk lower reward and less active management. It’s also complicated by the current sauce upswing - sauce seems to be revaluing higher atm, so staking will outperform while you expect sauce to keep rising. If you expect sauce to become flat against hbar, LP would become more attractive. You could also hedge your bets and do both strategies at once.

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