to put up as collateral?
Can I use tokens/coins that I have tied up in liquidity farming as collateral?
Meaning not take it out. Keep it in liquidity but still use it as collateral to borrow ERG?
What is the average interest rate of say someone wanted to borrow a hundred ERG?
You can only use SigUSD or SigRSV as collateral? So I’d have to buy 135% - 170% more of that than the ERG I’d like to borrow as collateral?
[sigmautxo] Yes if you go through duckpools. You could also just throw up a Loan request on and use whatever collateral you want.
[krasaviceblasen] On duckpools the current interest rate to borrow 100 ERG is 2.94% annualized. You can pay anytime, as you mention sigusd and sigrsv are accepted collaterals currently
So if I were to ask for a thousand ERG. Would the 2.94% interest remain the same or does that change things? And also if they give me 12 months to pay back but somehow I pay it all back in half the time. Do I have to pay the full 12 months interest or can I stop at 6 months where I finished paying off the ERG and the interest on that ERG for 6 months?
[krasaviceblasen] Yeah thats right, so on Sigmafi you would pay the full interest even after 6 months, whereas on duckpools you would pay less than half of that 2.94% (because of the way compounding works), so probably somewhere around 1.4% after 6 months.
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