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Marketing without product is a scam, and products do their

own marketing.

Funny seeing people say ‘wen Rosen marketing’. What are they going to market? Transfer your ada and hold it in an erg wallet? Actual use cases will market themselves

6 ответов

16 просмотров

Rosen should have allocated a percent of its tokens to marketing.

Q- Автор вопроса
They have a 10.5% Treasury

Ah okay so the treasury could be used for marketing.

Should push sigusd or any other upcoming stable coin on ergo ...market as stable coin for cardano...so the cardano holder will bridge to ergo to mint more stable coins.... Currently i can only see this use case which will be truly be great for cardano also ...because i dont thik these is good stable coin on cardano yet

they have djed when they want sig ?

I heard most people are not happy with it..i might be wrong

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