209 похожих чатов

Hey guys, i didn't look into PERP since a lo

g time. Since i still hold a big bag of it, i was checking the state of the project out. Big Questions:

- Why ist there no Rodemap on the Website?

- Why are there no Linkedin Links? How many people work on the project?

- why are the Codes not shown opendource?

Thx slready for updates.

2 ответов

13 просмотров

Great feedback, thank you. We are working on new docs from the ground up so I will make sure this info is easier to find! The roadmap right now is BUILD haha. It's not public yet but it will be very SoonTM The current team is: 2 co-founders 9 dev team members 2 design & FE team members 4 growth & data team members 1 support & community team member (me) 2 community sharks (mods) The code is in fact open source on Etherscan as well as Github. You can find links in the Official Links topic here on Telegram (or click this https://t.me/perpetualprotocol/106489)

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