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Would appreciate to hear thoughts on staking. I stake &

understand the process - longer/bigger better T shares, but at some point you’ll want to take profits, but i also don’t want to sell the sausage making machine. What’s the best options - take profits from staking & re stake principle?

10 ответов

18 просмотров

So far most people advocate for the staking ladder strategy. Me included. It has proven itself in the legacy finance and works even better in HEX due to the advantage the deflation of total shares gives to longer stakes.

H-N Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]
So far most people advocate for the staking ladder...

Thanks for this. Would this be an example of a staking ladder & how to use it. Say i had $10k in HEX, i could stake it all for say 5 years (bigger better) or stake $2k every year for 5 years to provide an annual income?

Thanks for this. Would this be an example of a sta...

H N (4) has increased reputation of Nenad [I won't dm you] (3315)

Thanks for this. Would this be an example of a sta...

Careful with stakes on Ethereum chain you need to work out how much to start a stake and end a stake. To how much profit you make. No good doing loads of small stakes as it may cost you more in gas to end them.

Thanks for this. Would this be an example of a sta...

Depends on personal preferences. I prefer to stake so that every year I get one stake to mature, say 15 stakes that mature after 1,2,3...15 years. But the shorter ones weighted heavier because the deflationary nature of total shares makes it so that the interest rate goes up over time. So, lets say 15% of total in 1 year, 12% in 2 year... until only 1% is left for the 15 year stake. The yield pseudocompounds anyway, so the 15 year stake is kind of a lottery ticket for the chance to capture crazy yieldz in case the protocol becomes mainstreet by then. But maybe also incorporate the market cycles into your strategy, so get ready to have stakes end in summer 2025, 2029 and so on.

H-N Автор вопроса
Careful with stakes on Ethereum chain you need to ...

Thanks. It’s a HEX stake i had before Pulse launched. I’m all DeFi from there on.

Thanks. It’s a HEX stake i had before Pulse launch...

H N (4) has increased reputation of 🌍Cryptosteve🌕 (364)

H-N Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]
Depends on personal preferences. I prefer to stake...

Many thanks for this Nenad-very helpful and an option i hadn’t considered. Regarding stablecoins, what’s your pref on ETH & Pulse. Just interested, not asking for or taken as FA.

Many thanks for this Nenad-very helpful and an opt...

H N (4) has increased reputation of Nenad [I won't dm you] (3316)

Many thanks for this Nenad-very helpful and an opt...

I mostly use USDC on both networks and USDL on Pulsechain

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