Is there a way back to an amended version along the asic resistant equihash lines?
I don't know, but maybe a miner can answer this question.
How to get zcash in India?
how fix it ?
@jackgavigan will ZCAP be polled for both ZF BoD seats or only 1 seat?
is jack planning to step down?
Just remembered something; wasn’t there a Zcash ETF filed?
May I ask is this a mostly developer community? That's more what I'm looking for I am requiring some support. I have made a breakthrough using zero knowledge in my protocol th...
@joshswihart how are the conversations at dcg summit going?
ShtrMcCracken hey all.. im looking for some help on using wallet... Ive been beating my head against the desk for 3 days trying to get a wallet compiled/running so that I can ...
Hello, I used ZEC in 2017. I have a wallet.dat file. How can I restore my wallet? I heard there was a blockchain update. For now, I tried downloading Zecwallet FullNode on my ...
Hey Zcash Team, Brad Varnell founder of the Infinite Crypto YouTube Channel with over 100k subs asked me to reach out. He would like to interview someone from your team for Fr...
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