210 похожих чатов

The best part is after this buyback...we can expect daily

buybacks to happen as Soon as the VIPs GOES live...has this feature already ready to deploy isnt it?

2 ответов

11 просмотров

That will be when our automatic income allocator goes live. It's been a busy period in Venus with all of Ethereum chain launch...haha. If I remember correctly it was remaining one more audit, if it goes well, then AIA will go live in the coming days

Miguel- Автор вопроса
Deborah | 🇳🇬 Never DM First 🇳🇬
That will be when our automatic income allocator g...

I do remember it were to BE live December, but something delayed it, anyway its coming... ethereum its at testa right now ...not sure if audit still being done or just tests and adjustments...Danny Share something with US about ETH chain progress... 98% or 150% ready?

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