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VIP-291 Prime Adjustment If passed, this VIP will follow the recommendations

from the Prime Adjustment Proposal - Q2 2024 (snapshot) and set the following Prime configuration (compared with the previous configuration, set in the VIP-241):

New reward distribution proposal (how the income allocated to the Prime program is distributed among the Prime markets):

- BTC: 5% (0%)
- ETH: 15% (-10%)
- USDC: 40% (+10%)
- USDT: 40% (0%)

3-month reward distribution recommendations (rewards to be distributed among Prime holders):

- BTC: 0.72 (-0.07)
- ETH: 71.35 (-1.04)
- USDC: 300,000 (+75,000)
- USDT: 400,000 (+100,000)

Total rewards for 3 months: $1,000,000. These funds are already available in the PrimeLiquidityProvider contract, thanks to the Automatic Income Allocation system.

The token amounts have been adjusted based on token prices for April 01 2024, block number: 37463959


- VIP simulation
- Documentation

🗳 https://app.venus.io/#/governance/proposal/291?chainId=56

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