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It is definitely an interesting conversation. Breaking up the users

into 2 personas:

1. Someone who wants to use the products (I want “x” pegged stablecoin that provides safety, satisfies my specific use cases, and, potentially yield”

2. I care about FXS tokenomics and the health of the protocol. I want to know everything.

And, within these broad personas, there are subsets of personas as well.

For #1, most people need to have the awareness that Frax is safe (safe is subjective) and it has the best risk adjusted yields. Typically, these people don’t dive in to protocol health, but have confidence based on a Lindy effect. Awareness marketing, partnerships, and PR, helps with brand recognition and UI/UX helps with conversions. Being on many chains and recent partnerships should help with awareness. There is always more to do though.

For #2, having the data, ie revenue, user growth, TVL, profitability etc etc in a digestible format helps this group immensely. I would assume that most people in this telegram community fall under #2.

Defining personas is typically a first step. And, if those are the agreed upon personas, which does the team prioritize for? I assume many people here will have their opinions.

It will be interesting, in 10 years, or whenever to see how teachers in university will teach this very interesting dynamic and the case studies that they will look at.

10 ответов

33 просмотра

Are you Spanish @BuenoPues?

We are building some fraximalists that Initiative for the Community: https://www.0xdeficlub.com/

Bueno-Pues Автор вопроса
Are you Spanish @BuenoPues?

:) About 10 years go I wasn’t happy that I couldn’t speak a 2nd language, so, I moved to South America for a year to learn. Sooo… I am not fluent, but, I am conversationally good.

Bueno-Pues Автор вопроса
We are building some fraximalists that Initiative ...

You piqued my interest and here is a quote to hopefully pique others as well: “If I haven't piqued your curiosity yet, let me tell you about an application that allows you to take out a loan and have it pay off automatically without you being obligated to repay anything.” https://www.0xdeficlub.com/blog/the-birth-of-the-defi-club

We are building some fraximalists that Initiative ...

We are also working on a new EdTech primitive called Lear2Earn where users answer an AI-proof On-Chain Exam and top performers can claim Stablecoins from the Smart Contract. I would like if you could give me feedback what you think about this Initiative. I developed a proof of concept a few months ago on Polygon and it helped me to attract Talent

Bueno-Pues Автор вопроса
Your Name is so Spanish "Bueno Pues"

Yep. It was a memorable year. Fond memories.

Bueno Pues
You piqued my interest and here is a quote to hope...

Alchemix is a great protocol that people don't use. It's one of my favourites

Bueno-Pues Автор вопроса
Alchemix is a great protocol that people don't use...

Yep. I do know about their loans. 😎Wanted to post it for more awareness in the community. I will dm you

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